Traditional Mother-Led Midwifery Care

Partnering with women during the sacred journey to motherhood!

Midwifery Services

I believe in the power and beauty of mother led physiological birth! I hold firm that knowledgeable, empowered mothers know their bodies and their babies. Together we form a team to provide the best prenatal and birth journey possible. Please reach out to schedule a free consultation.

Prenatal Care

In home 1-hour long appointments each month until 32 weeks, then twice a month until 36 weeks, and once a week until birth. During appointments we will discuss mom’s physical, mental, and general well-being as well as baby’s. Together we will develop the best care plan.

Birth Journey

Being with a woman and holding her sacred space as she brings new life into this world is an honor and I am thankful to be witness to the process for so many. Caring for and monitoring mom and baby during this time is of the utmost importance.

Postpartum Care

Nurturing the new mother is a tradition in many cultures. I am here to provide support in the postpartum period with visits at 48hrs, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and at any point the mother needs extra love and attention, or baby needs additional care.

Placenta Services

Honoring the sacred vessel that provided for your baby is special and reverent for me. I put love and care into each placental service paying homage to the beauty of the tree of life!
Cord keepsake is included free of charge.

Encapsulation $175

  • An encapsulated placenta will make between 75 – 200 capsules depending on size of placenta.
  • Provide nourishment to your body during your postpartum period.
  • You will receive your capsules in about 5 days
  • Stored in a cool dark place capsules can be kept for 6 months, frozen up to two years.

Tinctures $40

  • A way to extend the benefits of your placenta.
  • Tinctures take 6 weeks to cure but the benefits can last through menopause.

“By fire of sun and water of sea, blessed be your pregnancy.
By wind of air and stone of earth, peaceful be your child’s birth.
May healing reach you swift and soon, by strength of tree and light of moon.

Pagan Blessing of Birth

Giullia Matteo

Traditional Midwife